If your question is related to Amazon integration, please tap here.
1. Where is my delivery? Why it takes so long to deliver it?
2. I am a registered customer and I would like to change my email in Parcel. How can I do that?
3. I don't remember my account password. How can I restore it?
4. How to switch between active/delivered shipments in the main list?
5. I am trying to add a new delivery but my carrier is not suggested by the app. Why is that?
6. What is Web Access and how to use it?
8. How to add new deliveries directly from the other apps (e.g. Mail or Safari)?
9. Parcel shows incorrect location of my shipment on the map. What is the problem?
10. Parcel widget is not updating by itself, I have to open the app to see an update. Why?
11. I would like to create a placeholder for a delivery that has not shipped yet. How can I do that?
Q: Where is my delivery? Why it takes so long to deliver it?
A: I am not affiliated with any of 300 supported carriers in the app. Please contact your carrier in case if you have problems with your delivery.
Q: I am a registered customer and I would like to change my email in Parcel. How can I do that?
A: You can do that in the app settings. Just tap on 'Update Account Details' while signed in.
Q: I don't remember my account password. How can I restore it?
A: First of all you need to sign out if you are currently signed in. After that open the app settings, select 'Sign In' and tap on 'Forgot Password?'.
Q: How to switch between active/delivered shipments in the main list?
A: Tap on the filter button in the top left corner of the main screen to select a different filter mode.
Q: I am trying to add a new delivery but my carrier is not suggested by the app. Why is that?
A: Please check that the tracking number is correct by tracking it at the carrier's website. If it is correct, please contact support.
Q: What is Web Access and how to use it?
A: Web Access is a website available at web.parcelapp.net. To sign in, please use your account email and password. Web Access allows you to manage your deliveries in a web browser on your PC / Mac.
A: The delay compared to the website can be up to 90 minutes (on average it is 45 minutes). This delay is required to process data and send push notifications. Please note that carriers sometimes publish tracking updates with a delay of their own.
Q: How to add new deliveries directly from the other apps (e.g. Mail or Safari)?
A: Tap and hold on a tracking number in the other app to bring iOS contextual menu. Select 'Share' and then select Parcel from the list of share extensions. If Parcel is not available there, then you need to activate the extension first.
Q: Parcel shows incorrect location of my shipment on the map. What is the problem?
A: The accuracy of the "Find on Map" feature depends on location information provided by a carrier. If there is not enough location data provided, your delivery might not be located on the map correctly.
Q: Parcel widget is not updating by itself, I have to open the app to see an update. Why?
A: The widget updates whenever the main app gets new information about your deliveries. This happens periodically in background when iOS allows it to do so. You can increase the frequency of updates by enabling push notifications in the app settings.
Q: I would like to create a placeholder for a delivery that has not shipped yet. How can I do that?
A: Start adding a new delivery and enter any four digits (e.g. 1234 or 0000). You will see a placeholder suggested. Placeholder will have a random tracking number assigned and you will be able to later edit it (assign a real tracking number) or mark it as completed. You can also set an expected delivery date for a placeholder in the delivery actions.
2. I am not able to manually add an order from Amazon to the app. Why?
4. I would like to add multiple Amazon.com accounts to the app. Is that possible?
5. I don't get notifications for my Amazon packages until I open the app. Is that normal?
A: Please wait until an order is shipped by Amazon. If you have an order that was shipped by Amazon and it is not imported, please try reinstalling the app and enabling the integration again.
Q: I am not able to manually add an order from Amazon to the app. Why?
A: Sorry, adding orders directly to the app is not supported. Please enable the integration in the app settings and the app will import your orders once they are shipped.
A: First of all, please make sure that you have only deliveries from one Amazon account in the app. If that is the case, please try the following troubleshooting steps.
Q: I would like to add multiple Amazon.com accounts to the app. Is that possible?
A: Sorry, due to the restrictions imposed by Amazon it is strictly one account per country.
Q: I don't get notifications for my Amazon packages until I open the app. Is that normal?
A: For your Amazon deliveries data is not updated on the app server (like with all other carriers) but locally on your device instead. Because of that notifications can only be generated after data is updated on your device which usually happens in two cases: a) if you open the app b) if iOS permits background refresh (which does not happen often). Unfortunately, there is just simply no way to update data and send push notifications from the app server because of the limitations imposed by Amazon.
If you have not found the answer to your question, please use the “Contact Support” button in the app to get in touch with the support.